
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Episode 41 - Tag That Twat
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Well, well, well. What do we have here? Its definitely not a motoring talk show. I mean, normally it is, but today, for this episode, it isn’t. Instead Mo and O spend the entire episode talking about the delights of Birmingham, bash Lewis Hamilton (not physically) and then talk for ages about TV shows.
If you ever wanted a podcast brought to you by a couple of regular petrol heads, who aren’t professionals, giving you half-assed attempts at TV show recommendations, boy do we have the show for you! Its also, quite possibly, the one and only time you will hear Keanu Reeves referred to as a Hillbilly.
Spoiler alert!
Instagram: @drivelpodcast
Twitter: @podcastdrivel
Email: DrivelPodcast2020@gmail.com

Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Episode 40 - Professional Improvisionists
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
O is back to dismantling Microphone stands and the less-than-dynamic duo are back recording in person. Which means you can hear them properly in this episode. Just as well, because the pair share some road rage stories, get confused about the Ford Focus RS, ask whether the non-German 2 door sports car is really dying and discuss transportation options when travelling to Europe.
There’s another car review too. The shopping trolley deflecting budget super mini that is the Citroen C3. The pair somehow end up spending more time talking about Nissan and Honda during this review but there is some kind of a conclusion to the roadtest. And it somehow ends up with O calling Kia d********.
Instagram: @drivelpodcast
Twitter: @podcastdrivel
Email: DrivelPodcast2020@gmail.com

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Episode 39 - Doctor Beats
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Finally, another episode of Drivel! The duo return for a long overdue episode. This time, Mo and O use cutting edge remote collaboration technology, commonly referred to as Zoom, to bring you an hour long argument.
In amongst the arguing, O complains about time, his wife and Formula 1 street circuits. Mo also complains about fuel prices (so predictable) and the not so convenient world of public transport (less predictable). There’s also a car review buried in here – the Hyundai i10 which claims the title as the 6th cheapest new car in the UK. Its relatively cheap, but is it any good? Would Mo recommend it? Should he give Stranger Things another go? Should these show descriptions be less drivelly? Should we stop asking you questions now?
Instagram: @drivelpodcast
Twitter: @podcastdrivel
Email: DrivelPodcast2020@gmail.com

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Episode 38 - The Ultimate Driving Album
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
What do people from Birmingham, Bradford and America all have in common?
They will all probably be offended, by O, in this episode of Drivel.
Also in this episode the not-so-dynamic duo provide lots of unwarranted consumer advice, which is probably neither useful nor correct, Mo reminisces about the time when two WWE superstars fought each other in a boiler room, Take-Aways on Alum Rock Road are reviewed in the most lacklustre food review ever, O becomes a chav and Mo makes a weird noise in response to the new BMW 7 Series.
The car being reviewed this week is the G21 BMW 3 Series Touring. Not just any BMW 3 Series Touring. It’s Mo’s new BMW 3 Series Touring and he has been forced to review it because of an Instagram poll. (How many times can we type BMW 3 Series Touring in this paragraph before you get irritated? Just once more. BMW 3 Series Touring. Irritated?)
Instagram: @drivelpodcast
Twitter: @podcastdrivel
Email: DrivelPodcast2020@gmail.com

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Episode 37 - Lowered Washing Machine
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
It happened. It was only matter of time. Clearly inevitable. We shouldn’t be surprised… The censor beep makes an appearance. Twice. Obviously O is the one being censored. Obviously.
In this episode the duo also take a deeper look into the Electric car market and ask why all Teslas look the same before uncovering the true cost difference between ICE and electricity. It’s a very serious piece of automotive journalism from two non automotive journalists and the conclusion asks a very important question while narrowly avoiding a marital dispute.
Elsewhere in the episode, its been a while so the duo forget the Twitter handle, there’s a pause while O takes an important business call, we all discover he spies on his neighbours and there’s a debate on airbags – not the health and safety kind.
Instagram: @drivelpodcast
Twitter: @podcastdrivel
Email: DrivelPodcast2020@gmail.com

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Episode 36 - Drumroll... Tom
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Another fortnight, another Drivel episode. Topics for this episode include, but are of course not limited to:
- Something called “The Visionaries” from O’s childhood
- The return of Ferrari
- A Twitter
- Internet reviews under duress
- A really bad advert
There’s also another Drivel first. It’s our third member’s first car review! Hence the title.
Tom got behind the wheel of the Kia “New Ceed” without any apostrophes. Did the Kia “New Ceed” meet his expectations? Would we recommend one? Is Tom tall? All of these questions, and more, are kinda, sort of answered in this episode. Unfortunately it’s a review by proxy so you still only get Mo and O directed at your ear drums but it could be worse. Not sure how, but it could be.
Instagram: @drivelpodcast
Twitter: @podcastdrivel
Email: DrivelPodcast2020@gmail.com

Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Episode 35 - Pimps and Hoes
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
In today’s episode, the duo features the first ever all electric car on Drivel. That’s right, the guys give in, get with the times and see what all the fuss is about as O gets behind the (highly irritating) wheel of VW’s ID3 in a long term test. Turns out its not just the steering wheel that’s irritating…
This being Drivel, there are plenty of side bars to discuss really important topics such as Knight Rider, Thunder in Paradise and documentaries about Sporting Personalities. In order to remain current there is also rant about Petrol prices, followed by a rant about Automatics driven in Manual mode, followed by a rant about MOTs, followed by a rant about lane discipline.
And as the episode is dedicated to our Linkedin listener base, Mo delivers some observations about the most professional social media platform to occupy space on your phone screen.
Instagram: @drivelpodcast
Email: DrivelPodcast2020@gmail.com

Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Episode 34 - From a Coxster to a Condom
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
5 seconds. That’s how long it takes for the bickering to start in this episode of Drivel. Once the duo figure out their intro and remind listeners that this isn’t a knitting podcast, O decides he doesn’t like Jaguar. Clearly still a bit emotional after the last episode.
Also in this episode, Mo wants to play a game, a game that takes listeners inside O’s mind and somehow results in him admitting that given a choice he would choose to buy a convertible Porsche. As you’ve come to expect there’s also some ranting about lorries that decide its ok to overtake each other in the world’s dullest 56mph race and yet more opinions (that nobody asked for) about recent decisions that have been made in the world of Formula 1. You will also be offended as O seems to be going for a record to insult almost everyone he can, including his dear wife.
Enjoy! We did.
Instagram: @drivelpodcast
Email: DrivelPodcast2020@gmail.com

Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Episode 33 - Thomas Steward <3
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
It’s been a while but the duo are back with more Drivel for 2022! It’s been so long in fact that the guys forget their own social media handles, express a torrent of emotion and ramble for longer than usual. In traditional Drivel fashion, unsolicited advice is given (which of course should never be followed) on things like buying used cars and what not to say in a professional corporate interview.
In other news, O has more personal vendettas, this time with random internet people, Mo tells O how to spell Autobahn, O has a confession to make which is apparently Mo’s fault and we learn a random fact about car names and patents. Oh yes, there’s also a car review of a Jaguar F Pace – the SUV Crossover thingy that helped keep Jaguar alive. On the subject of Jaguar, O learns something that makes him very sad.
Emotions. Get ready for them.
Instagram: @drivelpodcast
Email: DrivelPodcast2020@gmail.com

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Episode 32 - Batman‘s Climax
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
This is it, the very last episode of 2021 and the duo are laser focussed on just two things: the nail-biting finale of the Formula 1 season and a road test of arguably the best all round road car money can buy, Audi’s phenomenal RS6.
The guys are so focussed in fact that technically, neither of them saw the main talking point of the F1 race when it was broadcast live, so it’s a good job we live in an age of TV on demand. Their focus continues throughout the show as they somehow end up discussing the noises made by superheroes during orgasm.
And that’s not it for noises. O gives an audible description of the gear selector in the RS6 without using words. Yes, the outcome is as weird as that sentence sounds.
Instagram: @drivelpodcast
Email: DrivelPodcast2020@gmail.com